Set Backs we Inflict on Ourselves
- Not giving it 100 percent
Not giving workouts and diets a 100% effort is the number one set back we put on ourselves. We often find ourselves committing to diets and caving because we don’t want it bad enough or it gets hard.
News Flash- when it gets hard is when the magic happens.
Results take time. Don’t go to the gym and go through the motions. You must connect the muscle to your mind. Make a sincere effort with your form, increase your weight, and don’t let noise in your mind or emotions of the busy day distract you.
Make a lifestyle change; don’t tell yourself I am going to eat healthier. Don’t make excuses for yourself. Don’t think of it as a diet or missing out. Think of it as actively making choices for the body that you want.
- Self-Doubt
Do not be afraid of pushing it harder in the gym. Rid yourself of the word CAN’T.
Everyone starts somewhere. Push yourself to challenges you could never imagine being able to do. I am so guilty of this. I avoid pushups, pull-ups, dips, etc. because I have made up my mind that I will never be able to do them.
I slack with my ab exercises because I thought my body just would never have abs. The second I started really trying and believing in myself I saw results.
It is the challenges that are hardest to us that change us the most.
Ask yourself this: Why Not Me? What does anyone who is doing it have that I don’t have?
- Forgetting we are in Control
Diets are HARD. Cravings are real. But at the end of the day, you are the only one in control of what goes in your mouth.
If you tell yourself you will not eat certain things. It is up to you and you alone to not eat them.
When you cheat your diets and your workouts, you are ONLY cheating yourself. Skimping the last 10 min off your cardio, swinging through your reps with bad form, sneaking that cookie. Who are you lying to? Who cares? The only person you are hurting is YOU!
- Not making improvements/adjustments
Eating the same things every day. Not switching up workouts, increasing cardio, increasing weights, trying new things, etc.
You know how much effort you are putting in. Make an effort to make tomorrow better than yesterday.